"Forecasting the Future"
Astrology Celebration Lecture and Luncheon
Come Share the Love of Our Spiritual Community
Our 30th Anniversary Event
January 26, 2020, 11am to 2pm
22nd Street Landing Restaurant, San Pedro, CA
Hosted by Maria Francesca Triliegi
Author of "Life is Good...When You Do the Work"
$80 ($75, if bring a friend) includes Gourmet Lunch and...
* Maria's Insightful "Forecast the Future" Lecture
* Powerful 2020 Universal & Personal Changes
* Personal Forecasts for All 12 Signs
* 25% Discount on "Future Trends Forecast" for 2020 (sign up at the event)
Note - if you use PayPal to pay for the luncheon, the cost will be $83 to cover the cost of PayPal's fees. You can also mail a check and the cost will remain at $80.
Reservation a must - 310-548-1338 - smbworks@earthlink.net
Network Table - Bring Offerings
Note: Please use 'Send money to friends and family'